A BIG Thank You to all of you!

I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on my journey the last couple days.  As I write this, the Alabama song ‘The Fans’ is running through my head.  In case you’re not an Alabama fan (the singing group, not the university), the song pays tribute to the people who buy their records and attend their concerts.

Last Sunday, I was out for a drive with my lovely bride and her father when we came on a Hawk in a tree.  I had my camera and tripod, and they indulged me for a few minutes.  The result was a great image, but I wasn’t happy with my execution of the image (see below).  I spent a lot of time beating myself up over it.  It’s tough being your own worst critic, you know.

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I put the image on Facebook, sharing with one of the photography groups, with my comments on the composition and execution.  The positive comments and feedback got me out of my funk and inspired me to get back out there.

Yesterday, I loaded up the gear and headed out to meet a friend for a morning of picture taking.  The weather was beautiful – cool temperatures and good sunlight.  Most importantly, the birds cooperated as well.  A Quail sat on a sagebrush, and I caught images him and other Quail on the ground.  A Red Tailed Hawk posed on a branch for a few shots.  Then he took off, resulting in good action shots.  While looking for an Eagle, we saw more Hawks and a herd of Deer in a meadow.  This Hawk (below) was stalking prey, and made several quick turns.  See the Birds page for more images.

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I was very happy to find an Eagle.  Our first shots were marginal due to the shade, but she moved around to the sunny side of the tree, and the real shooting began.  This image is one of my favorites, but I’ll always wonder if she was sizing me up or just making personal contact.

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As you can see, I had a great shooting day.  These images are dedicated to everyone who sees and follows my blog, or sees my images elsewhere.  You help me to become a better photographer with your support and encouragement.

THANK YOU!  Photorogr


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